Wednesday Night Trial Prompts 19:30
2. The child wonders at the Christmas tree
3. I see the eyes but not thetears
4. In a brown field stood a tree
5. The wind sprang up at four o’clock
6. Children’s voices
7. Then you break it. Why?
8. Take me where the good times are
9. Meet me on the corner
10. Twice daily, at noon and dusk
11. Lean forward, touch the spot
12. Underneath the town clock, a knot of people
13. He went quiet, as if he was ashamed
14. So faint, I wasn’t sure I heard
15. We were talking about the little things
16. The protagonist is not at home just now
17. A man should clear a space for himself
18. Houses as couples, singles, groups
19. They were going to build a bridge here
20. A fox patters slowly, murder on his mind
21. Alleys, stinking of stale piss
22. We stand in line in the rain
23. As if brightness or sweetness could save us
24. Sundays are good days. We should waste them carefully
25. If you are old enough to read this, you understand
26. Now suddenly you can hardly stand
27. How long has it been since you told him?
28. You loved him once, held his heavy shoulders
29. I see this woman on a roof, about to fall
30. A man enters a florist, buys some flowers
31. It’s just a little party, nothing special
32. I kissed her and the tube doors closed
33. There are too many people to thank