Children in Need Writing Marathon 2007

The Blog site advertising a Writing Marathon (our second year) on November 17-19th 2007) which raises money for Children in Need while also producing quality stories and an anthology.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Children-in-Need 2007

I'm resurrecting last year's blog-site (save the planet!)

Here is the list of participants for 2007

17 people, 16 active. I'd like 30, really

01 Alex K, Berkshire, England
02 Claire, Cumbria, England
03 TomC, Yorkshire
04 Joel, Finland
05 Dan, England
06 Caroline, England
07 Britbird, Brighton, England
08 The Secretary!
09 Colin, England
10 Missy, England
11 Ants, Leeds, England
12 Ralph New Zealand/London
13 Dave Prescott, Herefordshire, England
14 Chrissie, Spain
15 Cedric, Romania & London
16 Jonathan Pinnock, UK
17 Nancy, Bristol UK

The "open" hours have been extended for those who can't get Friday off and the flash prompts will be posted





Obviously, nobody is going to attempt to do the 42 hours without a break

Prompts will appear in 3 places for extra safety

1 Participants IN-BOX
2 Here
3 Boot Camp

Prompts will appear on the hour AND the 1.5 hours, this to allow those participants wanting to work a 90-minute schedule to do so (how's about that for contorted English?)

As per usual, IF a participant responds to say he/she is "in" for that session/prompt-set they are allowed an extra five mintes to post their story.

Stories should be posted to Lexie (secretary) and to me (AK) again, as insurance. I will not look at my story emails but it's useful to have a cover in case (for example) Lexie's machine blows up.

All participants will score the stories "blind" (not every participant critting every story!) until an obvious consensus opinion has been formed. Stories will be assigned to a number of categories with the important two being "Clear Finalists" and "Marginal Finalists"... There will also be a category where "split-vote" stories will be argued over.

When the CIN sessions have finished and every story has at least 4 marks, and the split-vote stories have been adjudicated, Eclectica Magazine will look at the finalists and 7Q magazine ditto.

There will be a print anthology from 7Q



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