Children in Need Writing Marathon 2007

The Blog site advertising a Writing Marathon (our second year) on November 17-19th 2007) which raises money for Children in Need while also producing quality stories and an anthology.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Tuesday Prompts 23:00

She is perfectly acceptable. I am afraid of her

But she used to worry sheep

We have dozed and dreamed, watched the fire's glow

Absence Makes the Heart Go Wander

Come near, come near, come near

Some knives are beautiful

A thorn is a thorn is a thorn

Our shutters are shut, our fire is low.

Claudia Sniffer and the Hat of Many Flowers

The other side of the story

Reading Banville

Don't say shirt-lifter.

Smoothed by long-fingered surgeons

With ten minutes to kill and the whole place deserted

Under the blue spotlight

Chin up, duck! There are always people worse off

I killed myself quickly then hid

Getting and spending. We lay waste our powers

You set the olives down beside the feta

People my mother fucked

I know all women, especially those I haven't met

She smiles in corners

Anger management

There will be time, there always is



A woman, her delicate wrist

Her hand twists a paper rose

I have no passport. I am exiled here

Alleyways, winding like tedious argument

My sister had daughters, my brother, sons.

The floor, memory

I need one good line, one that sings

Indeed there will be time

Putting up tinsel, crepe


Should I not smile?

Of restless nights, and beds that smell of pussy

A day for slow fever

People my mother fucked

I know all women, especially those I haven't met

She smiles in corners

Anger management

There will be time, there always is



A woman, her delicate wrist

Her hand twists a paper rose

I have no passport. I am exiled here

Alleyways, winding like tedious argument

My sister had daughters, my brother, sons.

The floor, memory

I need one good line, one that sings

Indeed there will be time

Putting up tinsel, crepe


Should I not smile?

Of restless nights, and beds that smell of pussy

A day for slow fever


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