Tuesday Prompts 22:00
Squinting against the late-afternoon sun as it cut through the birch trees
Zulus boxed in their glass cases
Had hung in darkness and smoke
It was in those days when I wandered about hungry.
I felt like a quartered chicken
Love of art, not others
My astrologer told me Saturn has been flopped over me like a giant cosmic fried egg
I suspect that there were deaths
Mitch Midgely's last walk
For he's a jolly good driver
Here, one can see Oliver Reed's testicles impaled
Blackberry Way, Singing
I am a man now
All men kill the thing they love; women suck out the life.
Don't always be a thought ahead
Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner
I caught a tremendous fish
The end of the Sopranos
This is the wind, this is the rain
And what about us?
Google Jones Puppy Cheese
Your body is your country
What is this life, if full of care?
Ding Fucking Dong
Who Made You? God made me.
Stone cries to stone
Eternally downhill
At the other end of the string, a child.
Pampering the workers
Not far from the railroad tracks
Did you pack your bag?
Let us go then, you and I
Letters from mad lovers
Run him down
The prostitute and the miner
I have sent you an ear
In our present state of knowledge
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