18:05 Prompts
email stories to alex or lexie
ideal time for flash 30-60 minutes
maximum time for flash 75 minutes
Please reply (at 1800) if you are in)
Grrrrr... I cut and pasted 15 readied prompts and manage to lose the lot!
A Border-Line Case
Each ancient, stone-necked minute of love's season
The rector clenched his fists, and swore that God exists
The Breakthrough
Saturday afternoon and Dai Griffiths sits with his finger-polished roll-up tin.
A Noise Like Living
It is Winter, lightless morning, here in the shallow city, soundless and shipwreck-grey, the tarmac pavements are slept still, glistened with frost, deep and breathing, and beyond my window's sightless eye, the shuddered, huddled, common trees, stuttering towards the sea, the sadrack, greyslack trawler-slapped sea.
She Was Still Intent Upon the Menu
The proprietor spread out his hands in a gesture of regret
I always think, you know, that it’s like being on stage.
When Shelagh Awoke the Sun Was Streaming into her Room
or Google: woman beach 456
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