Children in Need Writing Marathon 2007

The Blog site advertising a Writing Marathon (our second year) on November 17-19th 2007) which raises money for Children in Need while also producing quality stories and an anthology.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Creeping Up. Want to Practice?

If you are already signed up for the Children in Need Marathon, or not signed up but interested, and would like to practice some back to back flashes, then email me or respond in this thread.

If we get 10+ interested we could hold one or more Flash Nights where a secretary will post a set of flash prompts on the hour say from six PM to Midnight.

If enough want it we can make a competition of it, with prizes, and the best story goes in Seventh Quark Magazine.

I'm not worried about "standards" as I know from experience that if we get twenty-forty flashes written there weill be half a dozen gems in there.



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