Children in Need Writing Marathon 2007

The Blog site advertising a Writing Marathon (our second year) on November 17-19th 2007) which raises money for Children in Need while also producing quality stories and an anthology.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Tuesday prompts

I told my son about my father
There's water still in the bath
The pub quiz: it's all about winning
Why not be a Brain-Surgeon?
Kite Surfing 101
There's a problem at the bridge
Trying to fix a light
Big Boy
Sudoku for the damned
The boys done well
A handy electrical gadget
A quarter ton of lego
The sound of cars passing in the wet
Why she doesn't phone
Whisky without the e
In the not too distant future, if all my dreams come true
This is a stupid way to die
With sawdust, string and patches
From the hill I saw a line of snaking tenements
Bush Meat
Under an awning, talking about nothing; rain
Is surviving suicide a success or failure?
Two rooms done and the doors closed
A three-legged hippo
It may be pretty, but is it appropriate?
Arctic elephants are the same as African ones. But colder.
Treasure Island


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