For the last three years we've held Flash Blasts for Children in Need (CiN) and these have raised well over £10,000 for the charity.
The format is simple. We start at 1800 Hours on the Thursday and write non-stop until midnight Friday.
Naturally, only about half-a-dozen hardy souls manage the thirty hours, but the idea is to have SOMEONE writing at all times. Many write 1800-2400 both days, and a bit in the day on the Friday.
We raise money in two ways.
First there's an entry fee of £30.
This breaks down into
£10 for prizes (all the prize fund is paid out)
£10 for CiN
£10 for a copy of the anthology (may be 2 copies)
SECOND, individuals collect sponsorship for their writing over the thirty hours. They deal with this separately but we total the amounts
All the stories/flashes/poems arrive anonymously and after the Blast we select the best XX for an independent judge to choose the 1-2-3-4-5
PS I disqualify my stuff from the competition
An anthology is produced of the best stuff but we try to include at least one piece from each participant. Obviously sales of the anthology (£10) will raise further monies for CiN
With a large organisation like Writers Dock we could easily get 100 participants, and that £10,000 raised could like like chicken-feed.
I should say, for those who have never tried "blasting" the results can be incredible. Many first prizes have evolved from CiN Blast work
So sign up now
Next post will show the list of people (pseudonyms are OK) but we would like their place of residence
04 Aristo Belgium
05 Tommo Northern Ireland