Children in Need Writing Marathon 2007

The Blog site advertising a Writing Marathon (our second year) on November 17-19th 2007) which raises money for Children in Need while also producing quality stories and an anthology.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Children in Need Winners

The 12 stories in the CIN Final

A Muse Lost
Claude Romarin
Falling In
Geoff Says Farewell
Imaginary Things
Not Killing Lembit
Pavel's Grey Painting
Six Uses For a Hedgehog
The Nest
The Undressing of Ursula Nelmes
The Year of the Card Player
When the Colours Exploded

Congratulation to

Vanessa Gebbie (2)
Tom Conoboy (2)
Cedric Popa (2)
Cally Taylor (2)
Colin Upton
Laurie Porter
Fleur Chapman
Michael J Hulme

These were the best 12 stories from 345 and the winners
(chosen by competitor votes)


Cedric Popa
Fleur Chapman
Vanessa Gebbie

who win £100-£0-£25 respectively

Friday, November 24, 2006

Pictures Don't Lie?

No idea why Blogger doesn't want to show the GREAT cover
to our BC-CIN Anthology but you can see the real thing at


Don't know what happened there!

Covers are nothing like that!


Children in Need Anthology Cover

I have a copy of the CIN Anthology in my sticky mitt.

Here is the front cover, cool huh?

Almost Forty Stories from 24 Writers and all for a good cause.

Email AK at alex.keegan (at sign) to order a copy

One copy £5+£1 p+p UK (or more if you want to help kids

Here's the Back Cover

Thursday, November 23, 2006

BC-CIN 2006 Anthology DONE!

Feeling good after last night's H E Bates 1-2 for Boot Camp but even better knowing that last Thursday-Friday's Childen-in-Need marathon produced 346 stories, that every one has had 5 critiques, some as many as 10, that I critted the whole damn lot of them, and, and, and, at 01:15 Thursday Night into Friday I printed off the first copy of the Anthology!

I deliver the PDF this morning and the anthologies will be in my sticky paws by close of business.

How's that? A week earlier than the pros did it last year.


The Marathoneers

Adam Warren
Alex Keegan
Alex Wire
Antony Davies
Barbara Godwin
Bonzo Browne
Cally Taylor
Caroline Davies
Cedric Popa
Christine Tothill
Colin Upton
Dan Malach
Fleur Chapman
Joel Willans
Kenneth Shand
Laurie Porter
Louise Graves
Michael J Hulme
Nancy Saunders
Nigel Allison
Ralph Hockley
Tom Conoby
Toni Peers
Vanessa Gebbie

Burco Con
Dave Prescott
Kirsty Davies
Jacob Andelin

Alexander Fox

Special thanks to Lexie Fox for staying up the whole thirty hours to send out the prompts by email.
Thanks to Kirsty & Jacob who were unable to take part but nevertheless raised sponsorship monies.
Thanks also to “Burco” who was taken ill early in the night, and to Dave who was “distracted”.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

CIN Latest

We have 350 stories to plough through (250 done) to get a longlist, then shortlist

(I now HATE flashes)

Money raised is over £5,700 closing on £6K

Friday, November 17, 2006


000,309 Pieces

158,879 Total Words

000,514 Average

15:00 Friday

000,230 Pieces

123,101 Total Words

000,535 Average

Ten Hours To Go

We are two-thirds of the way through

000,222 Pieces

119,658 Total

000,539 Average

106,256 words

000,197 Pieces
106,256 Total
000,539 Average

Approaching 100,000 Words

We march on.


000,182 Pieces
096,211 Total Words
000,529 Average
We march on.


00,182 Pieces
96,211 Words
00,529 Average

Thursday, November 16, 2006

06:00 Friday

First 12 Hours

151 Pieces
80578 Total Words
534 Average


I'm getting seriously worried

Just written a ghost story

6 stories, 4 poems, 4,380 words

Group Totals at least

116 stories/poems

64,426 words

555 average

One in the Morning

I've written five stories and four poems in seven hours, and we've been on Radio Berkshire twice

My word total is 3,558

The group has passed 100 pieces, probably 110 (they take a while to go up) and we are on more than 57,000 words!

Cedric Popa (Romania and London)

Ralph Hockley (New Zealand & London)

are working away in the kitchen on laptops.


Update 2

First 3 Session

38 Pieces

24,279 Words

639 word average

as for me, I have to go out and get a CINNER from the station so I've just written the world's worst poem


Marathon Ongoing Report 1

20:31 started two and a half hours ago.

Just finished third piece, a poem (playing catch-up) after two stories, one serious, one a romp.

Cedric Popa is somewhere else in Kingfisher Barn, has written two stories and is straining to manage a third while dealing with his 5-year old son.

Things sent to try us. I put my back out this morning so am dosed up on PK's. I'm OK if I don't move!

I have 27 minutes to write another piece or go to the loo.



Tonight's the Night

So far the official pledges (2/3 of participants) are up to 3,600 UK Pounds so we are still in the running to collect £5,000

There are 28 people paid up and raring to go.

You could help the cause by ordering an anthology £5 plus UK postage or by sonosring either the group of Alex K (I need the sponsors!

With the practice stories we expect to go well past 500 stories/poems and over 250,000 words

Think of us in the wee small hours. When you get up for work tomorrow we will have been writing for 12-13 hours and have 17-18 to go
